HomeCSharpAnonymous Delegate and Anonymous Type in C#

Anonymous Delegate and Anonymous Type in C#

Below is a simple example demonstrating the usage of the Anonymous Delegate which is assigned to the Fun class.

The example demonstrates the delegate which concatenates the FirstName and last name of anonymous type and displays it

Anonymous Delegate and Anonymous Type

Func<string, string, string> FullName =

delegate(string FirstName, string LastName)


return FirstName + " " + LastName;


var Name = new { FirstName = "Senthil", LastName = "Kumar", Name = FullName };




  1. Jon Preece
    July 11, 2013

    I hope nobody actually writes code like this 😛

  2. July 11, 2013

    @Jon – yup . But its always good to know the different ways of doing things 🙂

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