HomeCSharpHow to Prevent Overriding a method in C# ?

How to Prevent Overriding a method in C# ?

There are times when you want to prevent overriding a method or property but still want the class be inheritable . One of the simplest way to achieve this is using the sealed keyword for the method or the property .

How to Prevent Overriding a method in C# ?

Below is a sample code snippet that demonstrates the preventing of a method overriding in C#.

 public class Movie
      sealed public void SetMovieName()

  public class TamilMovie : Movie
      override public void SetMovieName()


When you try to compile the above code , you will receive the following error.

“Error    1    ‘GinktageConsole.Movie.SetMovieName()’ cannot be sealed because it is not an override”/

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