HomeSQL ServerHow to query the version number and other information related to SQL Server ?

How to query the version number and other information related to SQL Server ?

Sometimes, you might want to query the  SQL Server version to know its exact version number and other information like Platform, Product Name etc.

Here’s a simple stored procedure in SQL Server that helps to retrieve not just the SQL Server version but also additional information about the SQL Server.


Query to retreive the SQL Server Information */

EXEC xp_msver


The xp_msver returns not just the version number, but also other SQL Server related information like

1    ProductName    NULL    Microsoft SQL Server

2    ProductVersion    720896    11.0.2100.60

3    Language    1033    English (United States)

4    Platform    NULL    NT x64

5    Comments    NULL    SQL

6    CompanyName    NULL    Microsoft Corporation

7    FileDescription    NULL    SQL Server Windows NT – 64 Bit

8    FileVersion    NULL    2011.0110.2100.060 ((SQL11_RTM).120210-1917 )

9    InternalName    NULL    SQLSERVR

10    LegalCopyright    NULL    Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.

11    LegalTrademarks    NULL    Microsoft SQL Server is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

12    OriginalFilename    NULL    SQLSERVR.EXE

13    PrivateBuild    NULL    NULL

14    SpecialBuild    137625660    NULL

15    WindowsVersion    602931718    6.2 (9200)

16    ProcessorCount    8    8

17    ProcessorActiveMask    NULL     ff

18    ProcessorType    8664    NULL

19    PhysicalMemory    8124    8124 (8519024640)

20    Product ID    NULL    NULL

Note that I am using SQL Server 2012 for trying out the above query 🙂

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